The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei is an institution of the Catholic Church, which teaches that everyone is called to holiness, every honest work can be sanctified, and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The majority of its members are lay people; the remainder are secular priests.
The world headquarters of the Prelature is located in six interconnected buildings which occupy a full city block in the Parioli district of Rome. One of the buildings called Villa Fontana is not currently useable because of its poor condition and not being connected with the rest of the property.
The current project includes the demolition of the existing Villa Fontana building and the construction of a new three-part structure which will be connected with Villa Tevere where the head office of the Prelature is located. The new spaces will include an office area – for people who collaborate with the Prelate in the government of Opus Dei– and living areas (living rooms, bedrooms, etc.) that will house some of these volunteers.
Villa Fontana – Rome
Prelatura della Santa Croce e Opus Dei Viale Bruno Buozzi 73 Roma, 00197, Italia